Chermoula and Yoghurt Marinated Chicken

Prep Time:
0hr 10min
Cook Time:
0hr 30min
Serves: 4
Difficulty: Easy
Calories Fat Carbs Protein
N/A 18g 72g 62g
Allergy Warnings | None
When chef André visited Marrakech, he adored the bustling night markets and the way they come alive when the sun sets. The stalls are just packed with the freshest, most seductively-spiced food for miles around. He ate the best chargrilled chicken of his life there and his memory of it inspired this dish. We hope you love it as much as he did!


Chicken Thigh

8 unit(s)

Chicken Thigh

Chermoula Spice Mix

2 tsp

Chermoula Spice Mix

Greek Style Natural Yoghurt

2 pot(s)

Greek Style Natural Yoghurt


1 unit(s)



2 unit(s)


(May containcelery)
Garlic Clove

2 clove

Garlic Clove


1 bunch(es)



1 unit(s)


Basmati Rice

300 grams

Basmati Rice

Chicken Stock Pot

1 pot(s)

Chicken Stock Pot


Marinate the Chicken

Put the chicken thigh in a mixing bowl with the chermoula spice mix, half the natural yoghurt, a pinch of salt and a good grind of black pepper. Massage the chicken until it is well coated. TIP: Remember to wash your hands after handling raw meat!

Prep the Veggies

Halve, peel and chop the onion into ½cm pieces. Remove the top and bottom from the courgette, cut lengthways into 1cm strips then chop into chunks. Peel and grate the garlic (or use a garlic press). Pick the coriander leaves from their stalks and roughly chop. Finely chop the stalks. Zest the lemon. Mix a pinch of lemon zest through the remaining yoghurt in a small bowl.

Cook the Onion

Heat a splash of oil in a large saucepan on medium heat. Cook the onion until soft, 5 mins. Add the garlic and coriander stalks. Stir in the basmati rice making sure it is coated in the oil. Preheat your grill to its highest setting.

Cook the Rice

Add 600ml water (amount specified in the ingredient list) to the pan, along with the chicken stock pot and courgette. Bring to the boil. Stir to dissolve the stock pot, then reduce the heat to a simmer and pop a lid on the pan. Cook for 10 mins, then remove from the heat and set aside (still covered) for another 10 mins. TIP: The rice will finish cooking in its own steam.

Grill the Chicken

Meanwhile, put the marinated chicken on a foil-lined baking tray. Pop it under your grill for 16-18 mins. TIP: You want the yoghurt marinade to scorch, so don’t be tempted to turn the grill down. It’s all about flavour! Turn the chicken halfway through cooking. TIP: The chicken is cooked when it is no longer pink in the middle.

Assemble and Serve

Once the rice is ready, stir through the coriander leaves and a squeeze of lemon juice. Taste and add salt, black pepper and more lemon juice if you feel it needs it. Cut the chicken into 1cm thick strips and serve on top of the courgette rice. For a finishing touch, add dollops of lemon yoghurt. Enjoy!


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